Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Man is made up of thoughts, feelings and body. Everything that happens in the human mind is reflected in his body and life events. The surrounding world only reflects the images that live in the mind of man. Feelings either contribute or hinder the realization of thoughts.

Obvious things don't cause any special feelings and emotions, and because of this they are either already implemented or ready for implementation. The presence of feelings or emotions in relation to anything is a manifestation of affection, or, at worst - dependence. Affection is not durable. The stronger the affection, the faster they are destroyed.

The idea, in fact, is the choice of a scenario or life event. The idea, adopted by the mind as a fact, without emotion, it is a program that eventually leads to its realization. For example, the idea that the fall and spring, people get sick (during the so-called epidemics), adopted as a fact, leads to the fact that most people really sick. If one experience the fear of epidemics or try to interfere with potential disease, then the probability of becoming ill will make almost one hundred percent.

Feelings and emotions - is an indicator of the presence and strength of affection. Strong love is a strong affection. Strong hate is also strong affection. The sign is not important, the existence of emotions and their power are important. Neutral attitude is lack of affection.

Emotions reflect only two movements of the soul - acceptance and rejection, yes or no, consent or dissent.

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