Friday, September 17, 2010

The most effective diet

It's one of the most used topics we can imagine.

However, from the point of view on a man, as having inherent ability to build his life as he wishes, there is something to add.

On the one hand, people have a thousand options of diets. Techniques, recipes, meal schedules etc. are offered by traditional science, people's experience and esoteric practices.

But what's the difference between them?

In fact, there're no differences. Only sets of products and graphics of use differ. It's a simple combinatory.

There's one thing in common in all diets - someone they can help, and someone not.

On the other hand, we have a body, filled with feelings and desires (here we talk about feelings and desires associated only with food).

It's hard to believe, that God, nature or evolution, whatever, made our bodies with the complex physical, chemical and other processes occurring in them, didn't care about natural (and, if possible, simple) signaling mechanisms that encourage individuals to take into any necessary nutrients (food).

And this signaling mechanism exists. And, as always, it's well known and lies on the surface. First of all, it's a desire to eat something or hunger. Second, the desire to eat this or that product, which is chosen by tastes of people. Everyone knows that one likes a potato and the other does not eat it, someone likes green, but someone cannot live without meat. From these two things a timetable and set of products are composed. And, this schedule and set dictated not by strangers, who have not seen, studied, taken tests, and didn't do other things with us, but someone who is the closest, native and honest with us - our body.

Therefore, as the starting thesis of the most effective diet will be this one – we can eat, when we want, and what we want. After all, the choice makes our body - a complex physical-chemical mechanism, striving for balance and self-healing.

The question, how much to eat, when to stop, also has the answer: the hunger - that's the stop-signal in the process of eating. And if we observe our feelings during the meal, we will be surprised how little your body needs to use food for one meal.

Moreover, turning away from strangers advice and turned to our body (for which, in fact, all these efforts to comply with diets and regimes are taken), we can develop our sensitivity to such a level that the body will tell us what it wants at the moment. There may be a clear desire to eat, for example, tomatoes. That's a hint - the body which is better than us and, moreover, other people, knows, what substances he did not have enough, point us in sensations to desired product. This desire may even be accompanied by a flavor that arises in the mouth, as if we already eat it.

You need only to believe your body and begin to learn very attentive to its signals. And not a month passes, as the body responds to us striking, but gladdening changes.

Another subsidiary thesis, in case it's still difficult to catch the signals of the body, but you really want to lose weight, is as follows - primarily, the body accumulates what it lacks now or may need in the future. In the case of adipose tissue - a power supply, this is formed when a person is under the effects of increasing stress. To understand the causes of stress is necessary, but it may take some time, and you can start to give the body what it is trying to gain - the adipose tissue. I.e. eat foods containing adipose tissue in pure form – bacon, etc. On the personal experiences, within two weeks of this "diet" the body not only has ceased to accumulate fat, but almost completely got rid of the existing ones. The logic is simple: why to collect it when it in abundance comes from food?

I can not say that diets, researches in this field are not needed. More than half of the people don't want to have anything in common with some sort of the body signals. And the remaining half faces a very serious work on self-development, that is the most difficult job in human history. Thus, diets, medications, etc., everything that comes from the outside rather than inside (from the body, the soul, the mind), are needed at least for the survival of man as a species. This choice, of course, makes it impossible to fully realize their potential, but it allows, as already mentioned, at least survive for a short period and have time to leave progeny.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

World is an illusion?

In many philosophical works we often find phrase that the outside world is an illusion. There's something right there in that phrase and it felt even without evidence. However, nowhere it's explained why? What part of this world is illusory, but what is real? What happens when we'll understand the unreality of the world? The walls become transparent? It will be possible to materialize things out of nothing? Maybe so, but it is not fundamental, it is possible side effects. The main thing is in another.

World is a scenery. Moreover, the scenery provided for all occasions for each person and for each moment of time. There is infinite space of sceneries, which appears only one set, which selected by any one person. The choice of this particular person is adjusted, so that the set of decorations of HIS world does not conflict with the choice of OTHER single people and communities. Therefore, desire does not fulfill immediately, and not so radically change everything all around - the world (as a combination of each of the people worlds) should "adapt" to agree all possible "conflicts of interest."

Even such a "fantastic" world is still not an illusion. So what is there illusory in it?

Taking certain outlook on life, forming views (complexes and stereotypes), we, in fact, invent your own world, creating its description. And the scenery fits to description. Invention the world - this is an illusion. Set in the theater - is also part of the illusion, everything is not for real, though scenery themselves are real. But in our own, in such a multidimensional world, Mega Theater, everything is not for real. We also write the scripts, play the roles...

The descriptions of the world that we live in today are quite narrow. There are several physical laws, but thousands of psychological constraints – that's framework of our world. Hence the set of scenarios of life is very limited. With some degree of approximation, human characters and their life paths can be placed in a little more than a dozen typical variations.

Therefore, the world is not an illusion, but an infinite reality. But the fundamental system of our views on the world is an illusion. And they will never be comprehensive, and, therefore, will be distorted. But to avoid getting stuck in development, we should always remember the illusory nature of the current world picture and the prospects for expanding our understanding (adoption) of new ones. And than, perhaps, all sorts of "miracles" will become a reality.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The end of the world. To be or not be?

The year 2012 is approaching. According to forecasts, it's the next end of the world. So, will it be or not?

The answer to this question is: it depends form our decision.

We choose our own future from an infinite number of scripts written for us and given us in management. Man was originally conceived as a creator, ruler and manager of the Earth. This is written on the front pages of the Bible and can be traced in all religious and philosophical writings in the world. The only thing we overlook is the fact that management is not destruction and remaking, real management is to choose among scenarios given to us. The choice is determined by the images that we create in our minds.

Sustained mindset shifts the course of events in the implementation of this image in the outside world. Therefore, if one is afraid of anything for a long time, it will certainly happen. When we sure in something, circumstances supporting this belief will gradually arise.

Slowly, for the most part unconsciously, we create our reality in accordance with our views on it.

End of the world - it was originally just an idea. We fill the content of this idea. The content is mainly connected with various natural disasters. Apparently, it's because of our history - floods, earthquakes, earthquakes, Egyptian darkness, smashing lightning, etc.

The idea of doomsday is not new. More and more people admit the possibility of its realization. But in order to attract the event in our life, it's just needed to keep in mind the image of this event and do not want to make it happen.

During the period of unrest and social changes moods of people is not so joyful. And then people recall the idea of doomsday. Everyone waited for this event in 1999! But no disaster had happened, everything passed by.

It had passed, but not quite. We can see how the world has changed after the millennium. At times the number of natural and technological disasters increased, the ghost of terrorism in Top News for ten years, and people do such things as if the end of the world had occurred in their minds. In other words, the Earth is alive, but there is a change for the worse.

These changes are the result of expectations of people, those images that are associated with the end of the world and the manifestation of which was expected by many of them in the late 20 th century. But, fortunately, people are still bad managers of the life and anything irreparable had not happened.

However, the next date of the end of the world can gather more people who see changes and increasingly admitting that the world is heading for the abyss. A massive mood is a great power.

For centuries, the followers of all faiths, without exception, used the collective practice of forming mental images of events that they want to attract into their life. This is done now - the mass prayers in temples, chants, etc. However, now it's not more than just rituals, devoid of understanding of the process. Goals, objectives and technology of these practices have been lost. The main condition for realization of mental images - this is not to be tied to the result, not feel any emotions about what you want. But, now, religious activities, mostly accompanied by very strong emotions. And when we react emotionally - it means there is binding, dependence. Dependence give rise to tension and stress gives rise to equilibrium forces that seek to neutralize the object and the subject of stress. If you want something ardently - you never get it, and most likely get the reverse. Today, only the eastern practices are most close to efficient. They use the so-called meditative state of mind and soul. However, even here, many people fall into error - a state of meditation had become the aim, although it is just a tool, an intermediate stage in the algorithm of forming ideas.

Nevertheless, successfully or not, but people may influence to reality through mental images. A group of like-minded people reinforce this effect many times. "Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven, For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them..." (Matthew 18).

So, everything depends on us, unreasonable creators of the universe. No wonder it is said: "They do not know what they do." But in this phrase was omitted the word and, as a result, we got a completely different meaning. It says about a man who is not create something, or does some bad things and don't understand what is it happening, but, literally, creates – or this man is in the process of creation. And creativity is a process that takes place in the mind ‑ the process of forming mental images which are translated in reality. Thus, the phrase should sound like this: "They do not know what they are doing a reality."


Man is made up of thoughts, feelings and body. Everything that happens in the human mind is reflected in his body and life events. The surrounding world only reflects the images that live in the mind of man. Feelings either contribute or hinder the realization of thoughts.

Obvious things don't cause any special feelings and emotions, and because of this they are either already implemented or ready for implementation. The presence of feelings or emotions in relation to anything is a manifestation of affection, or, at worst - dependence. Affection is not durable. The stronger the affection, the faster they are destroyed.

The idea, in fact, is the choice of a scenario or life event. The idea, adopted by the mind as a fact, without emotion, it is a program that eventually leads to its realization. For example, the idea that the fall and spring, people get sick (during the so-called epidemics), adopted as a fact, leads to the fact that most people really sick. If one experience the fear of epidemics or try to interfere with potential disease, then the probability of becoming ill will make almost one hundred percent.

Feelings and emotions - is an indicator of the presence and strength of affection. Strong love is a strong affection. Strong hate is also strong affection. The sign is not important, the existence of emotions and their power are important. Neutral attitude is lack of affection.

Emotions reflect only two movements of the soul - acceptance and rejection, yes or no, consent or dissent.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Faith, as the choice of life experience

People think they believe only in what they know, see, what is experienced. In fact, everything is quite the opposite. Man - is the creator, from the beginning, and this function no one deprived. Therefore, we unwittingly, we see, we know, we experience only what we believe.

By faith we receive. First is faith, then goes the experience. Experience is what we believe in for whatever reasons.

Knowledge - is not a faith. Knowledge - is a consequence of faith. In what we believe - that we know. Therefore, knowledge, when they are in first place - are useless and even painful, because fruitless. By faith we obtain the experience in our lives, the knowledge exist to describe this experience.

It is understandable why some knowledge is often considered dangerous. People start to believe in them and get in their lives relevant experience.

When knowledge is destructive, people who believe in them, get experience of destruction in their lives. We are the creators of our life ways and situations they encountered. A purpose of human life is to realize, to remember, to see that this is true from the beginning, and build their lives attracting in it only the experience needed to the soul and not retrace and not getting false (useless for the soul).

Change the formula of thinking that went into our own flesh and blood as a false understanding of what has happened: "I see, then, and I believe", to: "what I believe, that I see, I get into my life ", then choose what I really want to believe and miracles will not be long in coming.

Faith - this is our choice which experience we want to get in our lives.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The image of our life

Imagine a large room, in which pictures in the frames are placed here and there. These paintings reveal a variety of situations that we face in our lives. And we go through this room.

Some pictures we do not care, we do not pay attention to them, we pass by. But some of pictures we like, the story captures, we want more and more immersed in the described action. Such pictures we take with us.

There are also others, which do not cause joy, they give rise to fear and disgust. We try to discourage them. We don't want them to meet again in the journey across the room. Such pictures we push ahead.

So we walk around the room, adding more and more different pictures in the carts, which we pull behind and push before ourselves.

But there are people who are traveling light. They do not come depending on the surrounding scenery, they are free. Meeting the situation at their way they spend it at 100% and left behind as the material covered, and with a pure mind, not burdened with a past experience, move on.